
29 Game Reviews

4 w/ Responses

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The good points I'm sure you can see for yourself

The only way to improve is through constructive criticism - and I'm giving it to you because you have a lot of potential. Let's start with the major most annoying things 99% of all good video games have in common.

1. FUCKING LET THE MAIN CHARACTER HAVE THE ABILITY TO JUMP OPTION DAMN IT. There are too many games in which the characters are refused the ability to jump. He has legs to run - at least let him be able to jump, too! It's not that hard to draw him jumping is it? Why won't so many video games let the player jump Is it really that difficult? What kind of character that has legs can't jump? If we were attacked by falling magma and it's about to attack us, we could consider jumping, too!

2. Let the character have an attack option or something. Guns at least - I know you're trying to make him run, but you could, for starters, as the game progresses, make his self-defense improve - it's called evolution or more commonly - power ups. I know you have some power ups, but I'd like a leveling up more like it. For instance, after every 100 seconds you survive, you get a new weapon in which you could fire at magma to destroy it. 3 power-ups are a bit limited.

3. Okay, so aside from the "jump" (which is what I had to say or I'll go crazy), you could give the character more flexible commands. Ducking, weaving, somersaults, sliding, etc. Just being able to run is a bit too limited. Explore more options - I know your 3 Power Star episodes, and I know your ability to animate is amazing. You could pull off more stunts than just running, come on man, I'm expecting more from you.

4. Plot - well, this is optional, because this game is for a simple design really. At least make an intro flash or something. Like say the kid was running away from home, and then he got stuck on a mountain, and suddenly magma started raining down and he wants to get out of there.

And aside from the parts you need to work on, I must say - I laughed my ass off at his facial expression. I'll never forgive myself if I couldn't compliment you on that.

Oh, and btw

WHERE THE HELL IS POWER STAR 4?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm... this is a tough one

The game is amazing... in graphics at least. Everything else is mediocre and repetitive, to the point where I was bored after less than an hour. It's kind of hard to write down everything I think, but I think I can break down my thoughts to the essentials. Here goes:

1. The game is amazingly repetitive. All 4 levels - destroy alien eggs. Wow. So fun. Seriously, it gets annoying after 2 levels, let alone all 4. No bosses. No plot. No other characters, just you. Nothing. Just destroy alien eggs along with a few weapons of choice, a limited number of abilities, and even in the same kind of background - inside a lab/building. Make something different for each level. Different missions, bosses, etc. For instance, you could rescue survivors, and make it more challenging differentiating between humans and aliens. You are not allowed to kill civilians or stuff.

2. The game has no plot. No intro, no plot, no ending. You know what could've caught our eyes a lot more? If you added in an introduction, like say, a flash scene (check out the starcraft intros to get an idea) to lead us in and get our interest instead of just asking to destroy aliens. Tell us WHY we're destroying aliens. There might've been an invasion of aliens, and they've wiped out most of earth, with only a few survivors, and you're one of the new Alien Resistance recruit hired to wipe out any zerg, I mean, alien infestations. There could've been someone who briefs you in and calls you every few seconds to the point of insanity (Ahem, Colonel from Metal Gear, ahem). Add in a plot, add twists, add a conflict, add elements of surprise, add characters, add more settings. Etc, etc. You have great 3D designing skills. Use them.

3. You need originality, in other words, something that comes from you and ONLY from you - something that has not been used or used in the way that you used it. Alien shooting - been there done that. Yawn. 3D shooting games. YAWN. I expected a lot more from you, especially when you made a game of this caliber.

4. Make a character history. You need to let us be one with the character, let us feel the character's emotions. Say, this character is the last survivor of the Uchiha clan, I mean, last survivor of his family, all dead by the hands of aliens. Let the character seek revenge, and let him/her have emotional conflicts, like when he falls in love with a girl (she falls in love with a boy), and that loved one is the only loved one you have left, and that person is held hostage. Facing a choice between letting her (him) die or the world die, you tear yourself in two. Then you finally decide that your girlfriend (boyfriend) is all you have left, and you ignore the military's orders, and go rescue her (him). And you successfully do, but now you have the military as your enemy other than just the aliens. So you have to kill the aliens, while having resistance from BOTH the human race (the military gunmen AND the aliens), but at the same time you're not allowed to kill the military because they humans, just like you. Make a dramatic ending. PLOT IS ESSENTIAL.

5. For fuck's sake, change the damn background. The first one could be training, hunting down eggs. The second level will be an underground sewer system, where other than aliens, are mutant species of fish, crocodiles, and rats. You have to rescue civilians from the hands of aliens. Make bosses every level. Then the next level could be you fighting your way into the alien base where you have to cut off the alien's supply ships by planting detontators inside those ships and cutting off their food sources (they're ALIENS, they can't eat the stuff we do).

6. Make different categories of characters with different abilities. There was a saying - One must master Mind, Body, or Shadow. Mind - you have telekinetic powers (STAR WARS - the FORCE). Body - superhuman strength, speed, and stamina (SUPERMAN). Shadow - dark powers like cloaking (invisibility), illusions, or whatnot. a cyborg works. Whatever.

You have talent. Use it, and surprise me with your next work.


I was fairly impressed at how similar this game was compared with the 1st one, but oh so different as well. You completely turned the game into a masterpiece with an RPG like mode, where you travel from place to place. You also allowed our surviving companions to die from weapons.

However, if there's anything to complain about (and I'm sure lots of people have mentioned it) was union city. You know what would've been awesome? If you had a last "countdown survival mode." It's like this : you reach union city, just to find out that it's infested to the core with zombies and no news, and just when you were about to lose all hope, on day 40, 15 minutes before midnight, you hear a broadcast calling all survivors to the center of the city, and the helicopter would be taking off in 10 minutes - they plan to destroy the mainland with nukes. You need to get to the helicopter in before it takes off. You head off immediately and make your way through the maze that is the city, trying to get there within 10 minutes while fending off zombies, while playing suspenseful music.

Now THAT would've been an epic ending play.

Great Game, but annoying and repetitive afterwards

Look, the concept is great. Flinging sticks into the air and watching them splat is a classic. Then, having able to convert your enemy into your slaves to work endlessly for you, and not only that, but there's an upkeep system to keep you from being overly dominant.

HOWEVER, this game never fucking ends (if it does, it's way past the fun point already). I'm already at level 50, with no hints of any different units, no hints of endings, nothing. Well, at least you should've told us if there were a limit to the levels so that we don't stupidly play for eternity (er... now it's watch, with 500 of everything, except 1000 archers). After around level 30, when you've got every unit, and your enemy has sent out every freaking unit, there's nothing to play anymore. You get tons of points each stage, and your archers are doing all the killing for you.

So does this game end or not? And is there a frigging ending?

Eh... pretty good, but...

Been there, done that - similar games to this have been done, except they don't regard wiping bubbles. The game itself is well-made and smooth, but lacks in originality and creativity. You had a lot of things you could've done to increase difficulty rather than just increasing speed. There are a lot of things you could've worked on, and I think I'll start listing them.

1. Assuming you are going to continue with this idea, just a regular-ol' speed adjustment makes it not so fun. That's like slapping bread on top of a piece of meat to make a hamburger. The concept works, but you can never compete in the big league along with McDonalds or Burger King. You need toppings, seasonings, and your own creativity to spice things up. Same with the game you're making. If you really want to make it to the big games, add some of your own idea:

A. For instance, you could decrease the blue bubbles by a bit and add other color bubbles - at least all the color of the rainbow. Red bubbles, you absolutely cannot touch or you lose points, yellow bubbles in which you must get at least 3 in a row or else you lose the amount of points a yellow bubble gets, green bubbles with a different function etc.

B. Add other stuff other than just wiping. You could implore some other tasks to make our hearts beat faster as we attempt to handle an impossible multi-task game. You could be cooking something for instance, and you have to boil the veggies, and once you're done, the pot turns red, and you have to take it out and put it in some other container. And yes, you have to wipe any bubbles that overflow. For each level, you could add extra pots that you have to cook and wipe.

C. Add distractions - something around the lines of say... your annoying 3 year old son every now and then that you have to take care of. The kid can throw paper airplanes you have to avoid, and when the kid cries, you have to carry the kid, while cooking, and let him down when he stops crying, otherwise he'll mess up your food by spilling over pots or something.

D. UPGRADES. Those things are so very sweet. Suppose you're a mother working in a restaurant, or even her own kitchen. I mean, you start with a lot of small pots, and basically you have more bubbles you need to wipe because there are more pots. And points can be transferred into money, which you can use to buy BIGGER pots that can carry MORE veggies and you have less pots you have to wipe at a time. You can also buy upgrades that resist bubble overflowing, or an auto-wiper or something. So many upgrades you can think of, try them out!

E. PLOT - a small plot or even an introduction of what you are should be okay. In fact, you need a plot to capture the interest of us, the audience who is playing. You need to tell us why we're playing this - the goal. Wiping bubbles. WHAT FOR? Give a point to doing all these things. It makes the game more realistic and makes us want to play more. You could make like... a 30 second flash movie intro that shows an overworking mom who is carrying a toddler, tons of bags of grocery, and talking on a cellphone. Once she gets home, her husband could be screaming "DINNER" and thus the working mother would start food. (Or of course, if you think this is too sexually discriminating, you could make the father who is carrying the toddler and tons of bags of grocery, and talking on the cellphone, with his wife screaming "DINNER").

Once you think about it, there are lots of things you can add. The stretch of imagination you could use on this game are infinite, why don't you add some stuff to spice things up by a bit? You have a lot of potential in the field of flash, and seriously it's smooth. But I think it's time for you to step up to the big leagues instead of just revolving around the same, intermediate level games. You have talent. USE IT. Improve and soar to heights you've never been before. And just for the heck of it, I want to use up all the characters I have.

So... any plans you have for the future? What are you planning to make next? I'll be waiting. XD Good look!!!!!

Fun and addictive, but could use some pointers

Congratulations on such an imaginative game, taking war from the most primitive era to the modern era and even the future. I'd like to say that this game must have taken a lot of effort, and it is extremely plausible. However, I think you know all the strengths, and based on the reviews from us it seems that most of them are postive. But nothing's perfect, so I'd like to take my time in pointing out some flaws in the game and several suggestions on how to improve.

1. The game is extremely unbalanced. On normal, all the same units whether it's your own or the opponents are equally powerful. On harder, they are a bit more powerful than yours, which means your clubman and your opponent's clubman in a one on one fight, your clubman will lose marginally. Just an increase in population should do the trick. On impossible, your opponent's overwhelmingly poweful and even increasing the population might kill you, so basically you have to rely on turrets and the special summon. Also, you might want to crowd your entrance with ranged soldiers, because they overlap and can have many units firing at the same time. I've tried to beat the Renaissance period so many times, but it seems that it was too hard, because the mosquitteres are much too expensive and much to weak, and the special summon was basically healing, but it did shit, because your soldiers are taking too much damage for the healing to use. You get massacred. However, I managed to beat the game by thinking outside the box and "stayed" a step more "primitive" than the opponent, which means by the time they hit Renaissance, I'm still Medieval, because I can still rely on the summon to do efficient. And then, I keep getting more and more money. I'd like to point out that once I got turrets during the moderan era, I've basically won the game. This means that the game is too unbalanced, to the point where the beginning is overwhelmingly hard, but in the end, because of the overwhelmingly powerful turrets, becomes too easy to the point that the ion ray can even ATTACK the enemy base.

2. Another bad thing is that the game is 1d, and linear. I know it's hard to make flash where the ground is a plane rather than a line, but this makes the game too unrealistic. This is not war, but rather a 1 on 1 fight with many back ups. Come on, in war, there's such thing as surrounding the enemy with multiple people. The area is a 2 dimensional plane and no a line, where you can make multiple formations.

3. Units are too limited, you might want to expand the variety. There's only infantry and perhaps cavalry. What happened to aerial units or the navy? You could've made the center separated by a river or an ocean, and require ships to transport units as well as ships to attack. Aerial units might come during the Renaissance period by using air balloons with gunners. You might also want to incorporate some "traps", such as "primitive hunting holes filled with spikes" to "capture the enemy and kill" to the modern "explosive mines".

4. Heroes might be nice. Like say, if your unit has killed a certain number of units (you might want to incorporate a counter to count the number of kills), then it can be upgraded into a hero, with a more powerful form. In war, they often promote or reward outstanding warriors. A farmer, for example, if he is formiddable in battle, can be upgraded to a warrior. The warrior can then be knighted. And that knight can finally be upgraded into a "champion" or "paladin." Hey, ripping off Ages of the Empire II might not be a bad idea, just to let you know. =D If you haven't already, you might want to play that game to get some ideas.

5. Same backgrounds throughout? Come on! The scenery is definitely different from the primitive era to the modern. The primite era's air is clean, while ours is polluted and dirty, filled with gunfire and such. You might want to make the sun go up and down in a routine to signify passing days. Also, lengthen the battlefield.

Well, I want to say more, but I'm out of words. So, I'll just wish you luck on future productions! =D

Overall a fantastic piece, but could be better

Okay, let's see...

Graphics - no problem. They're practically the same as the original movies. The styles and moves were well drawn out as well as the effects. Overall, impressive, but could've been better.

Style - Wow, classic characters of newgrounds battling it out on a huge melee game. Reminds me a lot of super smash bros, speaking of that... I wanna get SSB Brawl badly... =P

Sound - Excellent, but gets REALLY annoying sometimes. Good thing you have an option during pause to turn off the goddamn music tracks. It hurts my ears sometimes.

Characters: Okay, this is where I want to make a couple of suggestions. It's okay if the characters are knocked out when they lose, but for someone to DIE, like Pico's head falling off. It's funny, I've got to admit, but it makes it a bit contradictory, since he's dead he can't fight anymore.

Suggestions: You need to add a few more characters. Seriously. Some of the best characters on newgrounds are forgotten and I really want to see them fight, such as:

1. Blockhead (OH GOD, WHY DIDN'T YOU ADD HIM???)
2. Bitey (From Adam Philip's Brackenwood series
3. Protagonist of Krinkel's Madness series.
4. Xiao Xiao
5. Gary from Numa Numa
6. Foamy

Etc... as in, you lack quite a few famous character =D.

Walkthrough for you cheap bastards :P

Walkthrough -
Scene 1 - you'll be stuck with three thugs. Click on the ashes (inside the ashtray), and the beer bottle. Then click on the beer bottle, and smash the beer bottle against the countertop in the CENTER OF YOU. Click the ashes and you'll fight the Thugs. Then after you beat them up, pick up a card.
Scene 2 - There are armed thugs outside your house. You have to leave by some other way. You need three things - a chain, a knife, a key and a quarter. Click on the knife - on the wall that's written "Johnny rules". Then, click on "under couch" for a quarter and a knife. Last, click on the chain next to the lightbulb on the ceiling. Then click on the key and open the window to a fire escape.
Scene 3 - Outside the window. Grab the pigeon, and get yourself pissed and wanting to revenge. Then, outside the windowsill will be a small pink thing. Pick that up - it's a gum, and COMBINE IT WITH THE CHAIN. MEGA IMPORTANT. Now go down the ladder.
Scene 4 - You can go either left or right. Go right and inside that liquor store. There will be two things, but get the 40 beer bottle inside the barrel. Then, scroll around the right wall for a crack. Slip the beer bottle inside the crack. Leave the store.
Scene 5 - Go left this time and look for that crack OUTSIDE THE STORE. Now, click on the crack with the hand and you get the beer bottle out. Keep going until you find a garbage can. Get a stale bread from it. Then, keep going until you see a bum. Give the bottle to him to knock him out. Then, click on the can next to him for money (poor guy :P), and steal his money. Then, go back to the liquor store to buy the selzter. Grab it, and then talk to the clerk to buy it like an HONEST customer X_X.
Scene 6 - leave the store and go back to the center. Climb up that ladder to the fire escape. Combine the seltzer tabs with the stale bread and feed it to the pigeon to blow him up. Then grab his nest for a hairpin. Leave the fire escape.
Scene 7 - Next to you will be a parking meter. Use the pin you got and jack that meter for a ton of money. Now, go right all the way until you see a shady guy. Talk to him and ask for info on the thugs. He'll require you to find a lighter for him. It's under the sewers.
Scene 8 - Use the knife to pry open the drain (it's on the road), and go inside. Then, go all the way left, but you'll be stopped by a crocodile. Leave the sewers.
Scene 9 - now go inside that alleyway, and you'll see someone dumping out garbages, use the knife to stab open that bag and take the stuff. You'll get a half-eaten hamburger, a plier, a screwdriver, and a G2 scrabble piece. Go back down the sewers.
Scene 10 - inside that sewers, you'll find a vertical pipe. (Scroll around until you find a "pipe" at the bottom), and use the pliers to open it. Now, click on the hole in the center to hide (use the hand) and drop the hamburger outside. Then, when the crol comes to eat, use the pipe and attack. CHARGE ATTACK! NO!! IT'S NOT WORKING! Johnny you dumbass. The croc gets pissed and drives you against a corner. MEGA DANGER. There will be two things in that corner - a wheel and a panel. Use the pliars to loosen the wheel, then use the hand to turn it. Next, use the quarter to loosen the panel, then use the knife and open it. Then, examine the panel with the eye and place the scrabble piece inside that missing button. Click on it to blast a jet of water on the croc. Go out of the hole. Last, but not least, go all the way left until you see a pile of treasure. Click around for a lighter, then use the chain combined with the gum to get the lighter. Leave the sewers, and talk to the shady dude to give him the lighter. After he tells you what you need, go all the way left to the bum, and there will be a bus there! Click on the money you got from the parking meter and click on the bus. You'll be taken to place. Then, go down that alley, and then the game will end there.

Here... a list of all the pros and cons

Pros -

1. INCREDIBLE GAME - I liked how you actually made a kind of warcraft game with lord of the rings. When I watched the movie, I wanted to participate in it myself and I finally can... WOW.

2. AWESOME GRAPHICS - simple, humble, yet expressive, and the backgrounds changes.

3. You have a way with words, or did you just copy them off from lord of the rings?

4. A expansive amount of characters for battle.

5. The music fit pretty well, and the voice acting was actually pretty nice.

6. Dramatic/addictive, HAS A STORYLINE!!!

Cons -

1. WTF, I can't participate in the !@#$ battle until the last level. !@#$....


3. You can add some stuff, like armour/weapon upgrades and SPEED upgrades, and you can probably add another "helper" to help fend off the pions.


5. Expand on the levels a bit more, cuz they're all pretty quick.

Dude, I've added this to favorites as the #1 flash. Thank you for the best moment in my life. (one of the best ^_^)


Pro -

1. Marvelous graphics with a nice continuation of a plot. A lot of hard work was put into this, to be sure.
2. The sound seems cool.
3. The plot was GREAT, from element saga 1 to now, it still rocks.

Con -

1. SLOW ( you get the point)
2. Complex, probably needs a guide or something.

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