
4 Game Reviews w/ Response

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This is an excellent game with a lot of potential, especially for a (hopeful) sequel. I understand the game was made 2 years ago, so you may not get to read this, but I hope you do. I'll list out below the pro's (what I enjoyed), the cons (what I didn't enjoy), and suggestions.


Art Style: I really, really liked the animation style you went for. It brings out a lot of nostalgia from old newgrounds that I really enjoyed back then - such as thing-thing arena, Madness Combat, EBF, etc. The characters are memorably drawn and very colorful. And I love the wide array of characters and enemies that I encounter. I feel like I'm immersed in your limitless imagination of fantasy, world, and characters and this is definitely one of the parts where I felt you shined the most.

Music: The music really helps bring out the feel of the art style, world, combat, training, and interactions. I really like the music and would definitely love to be able to download it and listen to it. Especially the music in the overworld and in-between combat. It feels especially relaxing. Something I could put for studying.

Gameplay - simple yet effective. It was very addicting and while nothing new, it's definitely a classic that brings back a lot of fond childhood memories from early newgrounds that I enjoyed so much. When I'm training, I actually do feel like it's "actual" training for real combat, and I feel like it's so immersive and that I'm training as the character himself. The combat was a bit fun and I get to watch how my character fares against the new upcoming hordes. And I also enjoyed finding the little secrets in the game.

Con's and suggestions:

Now don't feel too bad. Every game has cons. Otherwise it'd have 5 star rating, and no submission ever whether on newgrounds or youtube has a consistent, eternal 5 star rating, though some of them have gotten pretty close.

Gameplay: yes, I really enjoyed the gameplay. But it does feel... limited at times. The training was fun to begin with, and then got really monotonous and repetitive. And as the reviewer below stated, the description said "5 fun minigames", but in reality it's 3 fun minigames, one okay minigame, and one bad minigame. And they all start getting a bit annoying later when you're grinding them for levels to get through survival. As for the main combat, there were only 30 waves, and while that SEEMS to be a lot, I got through the 30 waves in less than a day. And survival gets boring after a while.*


-Change up the style of gaining experience points and not just through combat, feeding the plant, or training. Side quests could be fun, if you implement them right. Doesn't have to be combat oriented. This could also open an opportunity to explore other lands and make the world more open and not just based on a single map. Other lands could mean different territories, different land, and secret discoveries. And it could make this game a lot more potentially fun.

-Add a story, not just "Oh, I'm training to fight through hordes of enemies". While fun and addicting at FIRST, it does get boring after a while when you're doing something and you don't know why. The fun from the gameplay like that can only hold so long before it gets boring.

-More array of allies, enemies and classes and type-advantage strategies. First, since there are both male and female characters, we might want to be able to choose between gender for the main character. Also might want to add strengths and weaknesses against certain elements. Adding some allies in your quest could be fun if you have someone like a sidekick or assistant to fight alongside of you. You could train "with the sidekick" and opens a huge array of minigames you could do with them. You could also develop special relationships with the said ally and get to know his or her side story, and they could help you in not just combat but in world discovery. Something to think about. Type advantages could also make the game a bit more fun. You could make the character have different classes, like magic (guns), tech (guns), warrior (sword, spears, etc). Elemental type advantages could also be fun. But don't overdo it. This game shines in its simplicity and easy to understand gameplay. So maybe something along the original triangle like water > fire, fire > earth, earth > water, etc. This also helps with the world-building I talked about before. And adds a few extra layers to the game instead of just "train", "attack", rinse and repeat.

This is a wonderful little game, and like some people said below, this does deserve to go not just on newgrounds, but you can expand to either Steam or iTunes/Googleplay. Yes it's that good. Just a few things I feel you need to fix.

But it's your game. Take what you want from my review, trash what suggestions you feel aren't helpful, and I look forward to a potential sequel! Kudos to a good game, and looking forward to the next game that I can call not just "good" but "excellent"/

SoulGame responds:

Thanks for your words, it's really cool as creators to be awarded by such a dedicated review.
I'm sending your compliment for the art style to Kuho, SoulGam's artist. And I'm personally very happy you loved my music, it's available on Soundcloud for free listening and I hope that will bring you nice grades for your studies!

I smiled while reading your cons part, because, one: I agree with all of it, and two: I've been working on those issues since 2 years now! For the upcoming Steam sequel, the training will be richer and will offer more depth as the game go. We're basically trying to make each training an almost standalone game. And no more shitty mini games like the critical...

I had fun reading your suggestions as well because, at this point I can't really go crazy with new addition for the sequel, but a huge part of what you mentioned is already in actually!
- A world map to explore
- A better town with more interaction
- New enemies, with richer patterns/abilities
- Male/Female playable hero and more customization for hero "class"
- Pets (i'm adding them right now) and Allies with special relationship
- New elements do divert you from the train/fight cycle. (like Fishing!)
- A cool story that will be kinda mysterious and discrete, not thrown to the player face.

I do hope do be able to turn that cool little flash game into a very cool little Steam game, that people will play to relax and have simple and honest fun.

Thanks again for your kind feedback.

I've been following this game ever since the first version of this game came out ten years ago. And I've been following your progress and ups and down since then and in all honesty, like many other great works that had on and offs in motivations, I thought this would be another abandoned half-completed great wonder for us to wait for in all eternity. But you completed it - you were a man of your word and you finished what you started. For that, I respect you. That is not something I say lightly.

The game has come a long way from the simple one-ending, one-girl game that this originated from. Now there are 5 different endings and and even more girls to choose from. You have added a lot of relatively fun and classic side games like fighting and racing. One of my favorites was the modeling side game. While the graphics are not exactly first class, I didn't exactly expect it to be first class save for the adult scenes. It is only a sim after all. Imagination, interactivity with the characters, and the simulation world as well as the amazing hentai scenes is what made this game enjoyable and famous. With that being said, there are a few parts I want to review and analyze to you in detail:

Characters: I like the wide selectivity of girls to select from and date. Their interactions with you the different scenarios resulting from different choices was fun. I enjoy how there is a shy girl, a popular girl, two weird girls (being Karin and Sana), your childhood friend, and your teacher to choose from. That being said, while some characters were really well-developed, like Tomoko (obviously, who was your first character anyway. I give her part 5 stars out of 5. No qualms there), other characters were honestly a bit sloppy. Kotomi was the 2nd most well developed character and I was expecting a more in-depth background about her other than her being a dancer who had flatulence problems and was going to Germany. For example, Tomoko is obviously insecure and has a broken family and trust problems and you even involved her family in it. Kotomi had no such thing. Ami is even worse. You have practically NO development with her and figure out nothing or her personal background until the end. Her only saving grace was the ending, but even that was ruined by Karin (see "ending next). That being said, she is practically the only and most loyal girl to you and I like her. Perhaps that's why I was most affected. Karin's character development was a bit better with her unique background from being in the future. While I understand this is a hentai game, this is also a DATING simulation where feelings and understanding the girl is just as important, which is why you also made a romantic, non-hentai ending for Tomoko, I presume.

Endings: This is another part I want to expand on. Tomoko's part was great! You made two endings for her and it was very well thought out! I liked how you drew out parallels in both hentai and innocent. Kotomi, Ami, and Karin's endings mingled with each other and I honestly did not like that. I preferred that you either did not involve other girls in it or have an option/ending for only one girl to be involved. I think you shared some scenes between characters because you were just being lazy. Ami's original ending from the previous version was very sad and romantic. It involved her and only her and made it a lot more personal and in-depth. I loved it! It was my favorite ending and I honestly did not know why you decided to change it to involve the other girls. Karin's ending was well-thought out I admit and Kotomi's ending was more romantic than Hentai. If you want to give Tomoko a hentai and innocent ending, you should have probably added one for Kotomi soon.

I think I ranted enough. While I may sound harsh, I DID give this a near full rating. I know that you were in a rush to complete the game and it made this game have a lot of holes. But it's still a timeless classic for new artists to learn after! Props to you for an amazing game! I really look forward to Simgirls 2! Don't take 10 years this time, though!

sim-man responds:

Great review. Yes I can't spend another few years to further develop this free game and I really need to move on to SG2 (don't worry it will be a full-time project, if I can get investors, or I won't start it at all). I rushed to finish the game so I could only fully developed Tomoko and leave other girls as supporting characters. I think Tomoko is a challenge/fun for me because I like to give some depths to a typical pornstar-like character who usually dies first in horror movies.

I agree with most of your points. I just want to defend Ami's ending a bit. According to the game story the player pays very little attention to Ami during the course of the game, so somehow I want to show the sudden change of heart at the end. It makes more sense to me but I can see how Ami's fans want a more "complete" experience with her. I will keep this in mind and for SG2, I will make sure all girls enjoy the same level of attentions from SimMan lol!!

Pretty good, though I disagree on some concepts

First, I'd like to say congratulations to your hard work - the world domination version was a pretty big hit. It started from a 60 second all-you-can-infect-buffet to a christmas holiday version, and now to this. Though it was quite enjoyable, I think there were a few things you were overly ambitious about, and thus lacked a few things. Although I will not complain, as if you put world regions, there will always be people saying how you are unfair to their region, etc. However, a few things I want to point out just to get it off my chest.

1. Eh... how do you decide between population, wealth, and defense of a country? For example, there are countries with huge populations and little defense, some with little population and huge wealth, and small populations with high defense, etc. China has over a billion people, and yet its total population was the lowest in the game. What's with that? America has the biggest military power along with Russia, etc, but population-wise, not really. What you could do is, say - China has 200~300 people, but not a lot of heroes or special agents if you don't think China has strong military power. China is a developing country, but parts of China are still wealthy. America is wealthy, strong, but not as populated. Lower the population, etc, etc. If you need to do it this way, however, tell us why certain parts of the world are like this: Ex - right before we enter the region for the first time, say China, you could do a news flash "Chinese people fled from China, not many people stay, and thus the low population." That was what bugged me most about the game. And also, Korea is not part of China. ==" Don't put Seoul as a city of China.

2. Each region its own hero. Japan's first thing that comes to mind are ninjas and anime - put Naruto in or something. China has bruce Lee or Jackie Chan or other kung-fu heroes. Put those in for China. USA has too many heroes. Pick one and only one. Russia lacks its own heroes, Australia lacks its own heroes, etc. Or a least one hero per continent. It's not hard to relate movies to the country.

3. Regarding the extra features: - extra clicks was definitely a very unexpected feature to the game. So were the special zombies you could employ. I've always wanted that. Those are very good points about the game. You've kept the upgrades, but you've also made the game almost impossible to fully upgrade. I upgraded to over 20 and still haven't completely upgraded to everything. Unless we click on the "skip" button right before we dominate the region, it's impossible, and I mean, impossible, to upgrade all the special zombies and the regular upgrades. How are we supposed to get all the achievements?

4. And... there's something you should probably have put in the game - a time limit before getting captured. Humans are not stupid. If regions are getting infected, agencies and national guards will want to try to capture you. Scientists will do autopsies on zombies and realize they were infected and there is someone out there. Make it a bit more realistic to make it more challenging and tell it to us: For example, the more we try to attack a single region, the higher the percentage of the population is armed. You need to constantly move around or the FBI or CIA will track down your location. You need to do it within a time frame, say, 100 days (or 200) before they cracked down on your secret hideout. I mean, they fight back on the zombies, but surely they're not so stupid as to not to try to find out the cause, right?

Overall, a splendid game with a few things I needed to point out just to get it off my chest. Infectonator is a brillian concept, but World domination should probably be the last of the trilogy - or you could move on to a futuristic version like a Star Wars Infectonator where we expand to outer space. But remember, too much infectonator games will render it repetitive and repetitive is boring. A concept can only be developed to a certain extent before you can't add anything new. Remember KISS: Keep it simple s__. (whatever you want to put there).

toge-games responds:

Wow.. first of all thank you for this long and detailed review..
Well in my defense, the game has 84 levels, I don't want to put too much effort in calculating each country's population and wealthiness, or else I won't be able to release it this soon.
Last but not least, I just want to create an enjoyable and fun game, and it seems... I did fine :)

ARGH, this game makes me so MAD

The reason why it makes me so mad is that this is the most enjoyable game I've ever played that has so many things that's WRONG WITH IT. ARGH. It just has so much potential and yet you fluked it several times over. I know you're keen on making an Epic War 2, and you're planning to improve it, but if you really want to know how to make the game even better, I'll tell you what to keep, what to add, and what to delete.

First I need to tell you what I hated about the game.

1. It's so unoriginal - Look at all the defense games: Picnic Panic, Age of War, Warlord: Call to Arms, Battle for Gondor (yes, especially battle of Gondor). It looked like you just performed a DBZ fusion with Battle for Gondor and Age of War (check them both out on newgrounds). Even the units are unoriginal - I'm talking about hobbits, elves, dwarves, and dragons. (except the arch angels and devils, those were badass- good job).

2. Too little stuff - You just threw a game to us, and ask us (without reason, without a plot or intro) and asked us to defeat the other side. You even assumed we wanted to be the good guys. Hey hey, some of us want to be the BAD guys for a change. Give us a plot, please. Allow us different races and not just two. Look at Warlords: Call to Arms. Look at how many races there are. Take a leaf from their books. I can give you other advices. Change the battlefields a little. Give us more battles - not just land battles - I'm talking aerial battles and sea battles. Like say level 1 and 2 are land battles. Then level 3 we fight at sea, and you give us marine units like ships and stuff. And then Level 5 we fight in the air with aerial units. And then a mix of aerial and land together. Make it a strategy game, like say... some units are weak against some, and strong against others. Make more long range units. We need archers or spearmen. And in between, you can throw in a Metal Gear or starcraft similar kinda thing, in which you have a General dude briefing to you about your missions. Look at starcraft - make the games strategy battles.

3. CHANGE THE F***ING BACKGROUND. GAH. It's so annoying staring at the volcanic backgrounds day after day. We need storms. We need blue skies. We need sunny days. We need raining bunnies. We need night and day. We need birds. We need so many things.

4. Give us more preferences so we can make it a "genre battle". Give us so many options and units that we can only have a limited path, kinda like in RPG games where we can only reach certain upgrades, and every path has certain weaknesses and strengths. Like in diablo, there's paladin, drude, barbarian, etc, modify it so it is impossible for us to achieve every single upgrade but rather we can CHOOSE the upgrades we want and allow us to select different strategies.

5. Upgrade the turrets - they're too weak. Take a look at "Age of War" and take a leaf from their turrets. Now THAT's what I'm talking about. Traps - oh give me a break, more traps man! Minefields, spikes, fires, ice, thunder, more traps!

6. Take the game 3d. It's always 2d, every f***ing defense game is 2d. Only warlords: call to arms is actually a 3d game. I mean, there is no real battle in which everyone travels in a single line.

Now... what to keep :

1. Keep most of the units and upgrades. I like those. I love your drawings and attacks. Those were great, and the crossbow attacks - those were great, but if you want to take it up a notch, check out "Bowmaster Prelude". They had the best arrows and upgrades and stuff.

2. Keep the music and sounds - they were pretty cool, but allow more change and more background music. It gets annoying sometimes.

3. Keep the "End", but add more bosses. There's only 1 - the "End". That's annoying. I like multiple bosses because they make the game challenging and gives us to urge to expect stuff.

4. Keep the game fun, like it was - the animation was fluent, and it was relatively simple to understand with the mana.

So don't disappoint me with Epic War 2, all right?

Peace - 6th-Sage.

artlogicgames responds:

Thanks 4 such great review and suggestion 4 EW2

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