
101 Movie Reviews

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Damn it Prox, you always win Madness Day =="

Hmm, you've gone into abstract drawing, quite a change from your usual style. Still included the fast-paced action, I see and I noticed that you've changed from the focus of the clown to Hank this year. As you never include Jebus, the savior, that would be my guess for the next year you participate. If not, then include him. He's a big part of Madness, even if he's dead already. (Which, he might be brought back, or not, depending on krinkels).

You strayed a bit from the usual madness cycle by involving more melee and hand to hand combat than guns. Madness is all about guns, and I was surprised you only included a handgun. What happened to Ak47s and M16s? Shotguns? Revolvers? No story involved, either but then again, madness doesn't need a story.

The music was just as confusing, er awesome as the animation. I see you've involved some matrix ripof... er matrix inspiration as well as from some other movies.

And why is almost everyone about killing off Hank this Madness Day? He's just been brought back in the last Madness Combat. With an awesome side arm, too.


Are you ready to take responsibility if crotchless pants actually became a real fashion???

Nice flash. I laughed my pants off.

Ew... that didn't sound right. LOL

Hmm... =="

The fight scenes were awesome - as you always amaze me with the martial art moves you come up with. The drawings have improved, especially the background, the setting transfers, and minions.

As always, you employed the level system, from the lowest minions to the better minions, to the elite minions, and one giant minion, then the boss of the place. I'm glad the elite minions (the red bunnies) at least put up a good fight instead of just one or two blocks and then die.

And of course, as always, I'm a fan of your soundtracks. They always make the best bg for whatever theme you chose for your BK series.

There were a few things that left me unsatisfied though:

1. The dragon shrine didn't have a dragon. Here I was, hoping you'd at least allow Flint to summon a dragon and ride/attack it. A summon or two would've been nice. I understood you'd like this to be mainly martial arts, but a few other small additions would be nice. Summons, elementals, transformations, even illusional moves. You had the shadow clones. Even teleports. So I'm sure you at least know Naruto. They have some really cool stuff and you could improvise with a few ideas without copying them completely.

2. When Snowball went supersaiy... I mean... super-ninja, I was hoping that Flint would have at least a super-form as well. The fight dragged on a bit, but it was an amazing drag. Snowball got his ass kicked, then saved by Ruby, then Ruby got her ass kicked, then Snowball got his ass kicked again, then he went super. Flint didn't have any super forms. All he had was that shadow clone, which had already been used. He could turn into a super form, then use shadow clone. And Snowball would awaken his sharingan.... yeah sharingan. I'm sure most super-ninjas don't have red eyes for nothing. He could see time in slow motion, or you could have flint and the ninjas move in slow motion while Snowball moved in normal or fast speed.

3. The shrine was intact! WTF? You could've at least blown the ceiling out into the sky so that they could fight in mid-air. No broken walls... no caved in grounds, no broken ceilings. Wow, with their power levels over 9000 each, how could the dragon shrine be so tough to stand their blows? I suppose you'll answer with "The Dragon Shrine is holy." Yeah okay. I'll accept that. FOR NOW.

4. Hmm... Ruby just popped in and disappeared just as quick. There was no background to her - not even a bubble with her village destroyed by Flint and she sought revenge. And you forgot the most important thing...

5. ... which is...You forgot an introduction. Why is Snowball killing the ninjas? In the previous volumes, you at least explained. In BK1, it was between two feuding gangs. In BK2, it was because of a crazy doc trying to destroy earth and Snowball's money. What of BK3? Money again? Or was it something more personal? If you wanted Snowball to challenge villages like a dojo, you could've at least said so.

6. .... The story was a bit predictable. BKI~4 followed the same pattern. I was wondering if you could've thrown in an element of surprise. Like say... Flint was the boss of this place, but after Flint was killed, there was actually another ninja, a stronger ninja controlling Flint and everything goes out of whack.

Well, if there's ninjas, there should be pirates. There's a slim chance, that BK 5 should be regarding pirates. It would be fun to have Snowball battle on the seas. I never saw him use revolvers or cannons. That should be fun.

Well, if you don't already know it, One Piece is the manga with the most awesome pirate themes.

Or if you want to make something else, surprise me. I'm your fan. I'm meant to be pleased and surprised. And If I like a flash artist well enough, I'll support you all the way.

Love your works, and hoping to see more from you. Everyone loves you. But of course you already know that.

Mottis responds:

Thanks for the long review.

1. It would have been a HELL to animate. The bigger the character, the harder it is to animate(I already had some SERIOUS trouble with SumoSamurai). and just thinking about animating a huge ass dragon.... with the long neck an everything.... ehh, it's a bit too much for me to handle at my current skill level, honestly.

2. Haha went a bit too far there, methinks. I mean I already kinda overdid it with the enraged snowball thing, so any more would be too much.

3. I originally planned one of the dragon statues to end up headless, and I also planned the finishing blow as a roof-breaking, sky-high izuna drop on flint. But due to filesize issues, I had to cut the ending short, sadly.

5. I honestly thought that the small patches of text that appeared at the start and end of the earlier movies were a bit pointless and really out of place. They didn't have any sort of impact to the story whatsoever, so I decided to leave them out. I wanted to go back to the roots(original Bunnykill) where there was almost no story, and higher emphasis on action, and the contrast between being cute and horribly violent at the same time.


I really don't know what to say to that. Um... Disturbing and funny at the same time?

OH GOD took you long enough.

Damn you thrice for delaying blockhead. Mastermind was good, but I missed that idiot of a guy.

Hope episode 12 isn't delayed.

Haha, blockhead is once again doing ghostmas. Being horrible. Haha

Amusement has been engaged indeed. XD

Romeo and Juliet, except with a happy ending

I can't say it's perfect, but it was at least beautiful to the point it is the closest animation to perfection in terms of animation fluidity, story, humor, suspense, and drama. The plot was probably the best - simple to understand using the means of universal language, the classic "show but don't tell" method.

I know you probably won't get to read my review because by the time my review hits, your review level will probably hit the thousands. Meanwhile, I'll do my best to bombard your score with 5s.

Well, I'd say it was basically Romeo and juliet, with bunnies and cats in a heavy division, except it's not really a family skirmish, but rather a social problem - and I like how you decided in the end, that love does not need the whole world, just two people who love each other to make it work.

Well, for any sake, this is probably the best, where you finished the series to the height of your talents - every single character major or minor appeared and got a moment to shine. The best part was definitely the suspenseful buildup of the chase scene of the main male protagonist to the female bunny. Every character had a play in being able to help him through to the goal - the motorcycle gang, the rich bunny female CEO, the guard, and even Doki himself. Wonderfully lovable on how he caught up in the end, though I seriously think that if you took it just a tad bit higher... say...

When she is already on the plane, and is leaving, Doki chases after the plane and she is happy, but the plane is about to take off, and then both of them using sheer determination, chases after each other and Doki grabs his girl just before the plane leaves. That would be the heigh of suspense.

And the ending was a tad bit rushed, the ending of the Final Step, not the series I meant. You could've prolonged it just a bit more to a more detailed version of what happened, but I understand - you wanted it to end the way how it started out - both of them drinking the other's juice.

Lovable, cute animation, and I'm sad that it's over, but I loved it to the end and I am still a major fan of yours.

Please continue to do animations and I will continue to support you in every way - Me and all of newgrounds and all who love your things.

Thank you SamBakza

Oh my goodness - FINALLY!!! AFTER 4 YEARS!

After the release of the teaser in 2004, I've really been marking my calenders for months, waiting for the release of the first episode. I didn't know it was scheduled for release 4 years later! I hope that doesn't mean episode 2 will be released in 2012. Geez =/ But you should take a screenshot of the flash portal page right now. You're practically the first in history to have reached > 4.80 in score! The highest in history (Aside from Sambazka's "There she is step 4")

I'll roughly divide the review into several parts, including the pros and cons. Instead of doing a review for each individual part, I'll write one big review for the entire episode 1... starting with the teaser.

Aight, so we start in the trailer with the girl who was driving her truck in midst of war. Los Angeles "City of Angels" (and hence where your story's name comes from) is 2/3 destroyed and she is a killer, and also the main character. We do not know why she is killing the soldiers nor why she is being attacked in the first place. However, 10/10 for that part, because it did its job of being a wonderful teaser.

And in episode 1 part 1, we have a brief summary of the FUTURE. (Take responsibility if that doesn't actually happen). The graphics were Grade A+, and having seen how detailed and well-animated it was, I almost forgave you for taking 4 years. That's the good part. what I disagree most with was the PLOT. First off, flashbacks are always a nice way to start, but you're assuming that in the future, we continue the war in the Middle East, one of the so called "Land Mines" for WWIII. U.S. HAS been attacked by terrorists, true, and gas prices ARE rising, but you're forgetting that the Democrats might win the election this year and hence withdraw the troops. You're also assuming that the middle east is the land mine that triggered world war III. I think I need to remind you of the other land mines - "China-Taiwan" bitterness, the "N/S Korea" civil unrest, Russia and its recent invasion of Georgia, resurge of Germany/Austria, etc just to list a few. Now, I don't know why you chose specifically the middle east - maybe it has to do with your plot, but you made a bold statement for the future like the 2000 YRK virus, which did not turn out to be true. Also, Israel crushed every single local Arab country after WWII. For BOTH Iraq and Israle to be invaded by Iran doesn't make sense. Then again, your story IS fiction after all. My point is - a point deducted because the female protagonist was much hotter in the teaser =P. 9/10

Now for part 2: I had practically no problems with it aside from the fact that it was way too short compared with part 1 and 3. Well, the best part was how you kept track of the time like an atomic clock, letting minutes creep by inch by inch. I also thought your sense of physics was pretty well, especially shown when the car crashed, and from our physics course in university "impulse vs. momentum", I immediately hailed your animation as physics A+. 10/10

Part 3 - my favorite part and with the most dislikes. The voice acting was horrible, but it wasn't the worst of it. About the cameo entrance - was that guy wearing the blue suit McCain or George Bush? (or just a random politician/businessman you made up?). I'm partially confused as to why the female character killed off the soldiers and also fights against them in the future. It's throwing the story in a direction I dislike - and in a style I think is most annoying: Krinkels' Madness: the main character goes berserk, kills everyone. He/she is indestructible. Everyone else besides main character can't do shit.

Well, some advice for you:

1. Add some frigging subtitles if you're sure the VA sucks.
2. Never let the main character become overly dominant. Balance it out. They're human. HUMAN. Don't let them kill anyone without getting hurt at all. God I hate those - like bunnykill, Madness, etc.

Add a comments section in your userpage. I'll finish the review there... I'm out of words.


Well, I personally enjoy all mushroom chase submissions in which Mario kicks the crap out of that stupid beetle. XD By the way, did you base that "retro world" idea on AlvinEarthworm's Super Mario Bros. Z Episode 7? I'm just assuming that you're a pretty big fan of his.

And I hope you win. This was one of my personal favorites. Be sure to check out JonBro's and Psycosis91's (he's the one who made the Thwomps movies)

secondstamp responds:

Actually no, it's funny because Alvin uploaded the SMBZ episode the exact same day as my movie! So it was really a coincidence. The 8bit music was made by my man Psycosis91. I just loved the idea of having different transitions (also like the black and white and the elevator scene). Thanks for the review!

Might I be the first to say... you left out...

*insert favorite nintendo character here*

Lol. I understand, you had to match the pace of the music to it, so you didn't have the chance to put every character of nintendo. I was thinking, where's kirby? Where's Star Fox? Where's Ness? Where's pokemon? Where's the other nintendo charactes?

Well, lots to say - I pretty much enjoyed the way you transformed animation to sprite and back. That was great, albeit not the best sprite animation compared to AlvinEarthworm or Daniel Sun, but still decent. I guess the reason I enjoyed it most was because of the originality and how you chose the time to honor the success of Nintendo's creator.

Honestly, I would have liked to give it a 9, because it wasn't perfect and it was way too short. Plus you left out too many important nintendo characters, but then again, you did put in the two most successful games - Super Mario and Zelda, so I added a point for what. But why Donkey Kong? =/ If you included HIM then what happened to yoshi, luigi, wario, waluigi, princess peach, blah blah blah?

However, seeing that I honestly enjoyed this animation to the max, I can't find it in myself to give it anything lower than a 10. (I voted a 5 btw, and I'll continue to vote 5 until the end of time, or until I get bored =P).

Yes, maybe the sprite was a good idea, but why sprite? =/ Why didn't you add scenes from say, N64? It would have been a good idea to have travelled from the basic sprites to the first level ground of gameboy color, to the 3d graphics of n64, and finally to the modern Gamecube or Wii? That would've told a lot more, explaining the development of nintendo from basic sprites to the amazing graphical success it not yields. I understand that maybe you thought it was too graphical and hard to animate, but I saw your drawing skills from real life, and I was impressed. So I thought, why not? Why didn't you do that?

Hmm... Well, another thing you could've added was the antagonists. He went on an adventure, yes, but all he met were simple goons. You could've made the king of bad guys come after them like say: Bowser from Super Mario, Ganondorf, etc. And then they were chasing him all the way towards the end. Finally, he realized he was in danger, and he had to reach that pipe, but Bowser and Ganondorf were chasing him. Then, all the Mario Characters, all the Zelda characters, all the DK characters unite in a clash of a war (LOL, SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL FTW). And then when they're fighting, do the same thing. Donkey kong blasts him through the sky, Link gives him the boost with the wind, and Mario gives him the power star.

The music was great. Gangster Trippin' by Fatboy slim. Ah, he was the king of the 90s. Now he's just normal. =/ But the idea was great and I honestly praise how you for using that music. It was a perfect fit. And the video matched with the flow. I was honestly impressed. I loved it.

Well, more to add, hmm... this one is probably what I'd like to do, but feel free to judge without bias - I would have him trespass the realms of X-box (GAH, I HATE Microsoft trying to rip more money off of us from video games), and playstation (okay, sony at least has some decent games), and then find himself in the dangers of the creators of Xbox and Sony. (LOL, I could imagine an evil, shadowed bill gates looking down at him with flashing white eyes). And then the creators of X-box and Playstation (Nintendo's biggest rivals) capture him, and force him into an arena, filled with video game fans, to fight with the playstation and X-box characters. And then, only armed with a Wii control, he summons characters from all over Nintendo to duke it out with X-box and Playstation. And it could've been an epic battle and he kicks ass, but then too many characters appear, and the characters he summoned holds them off while telling him to flee.

Well I guess what I'm trying to say is, the idea was unique, sweet, but too simple. The world of imagination is huge - there are plenty of ideas.

Well, good luck on your future works.

And congrats on your daily feature award!

Awkward-Squid responds:

Big review! I'll try to answer your questions. The exclusion of Kirby, Starfox, Ness etc. was because the animation was about Shigeru Miyamoto, and I had to only include games he created.

Donkey Kong was the first 'smash-hit' game he made, and I had to include him for being so symbolic. I would've loved to include those other characters and antagonists, but I simply ran out of time.

I chose sprites because 3d graphics would be wayyyy too hard to make, I've only started learning it recently.

I'm glad you like the music, a lot of people didn't.

And reasons why I wouldn't have him cross platforms is pretty obvious :P

Thanks very much for the indepth review dude.

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