
101 Movie Reviews

35 w/ Responses

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You asshole, why did you have to leave it hanging?

At the best part, too! Damn you! Now I'm going to have to wait another whole damn year for part 3 to come out. You know... I was expecting part 2 to come out like.. maybe less than 2 months after part 1, NOT A YEAR AFTER PART 1.

But lol, awesome shit. If only I didn't have to wait another damn year for
Part 3 to come out. Meh whatever, at least the graphical effects are tons better than the previous one, and lol at the "eyes in the dark" joke.

So, let's see..

Pros -

1. Nice graphics, and the drawings were quite creative, even though some people can see them as ripoffs from... AHEM. I believe you explained that last year already.

2. The plot is simple, but funny and effective, I like how you're teasing it a bit by doing some satirical humor and poking fun at artists for circling around those few points and their repitition.

3. The humor is great, I love the blockhead reference. You are a blockhead fan, aren't you? Did Swain voice for you, too? XD

4. Wow, no violence, which means this is practically good enough for a pg rating on Nickelodean (AHEM, INVADER ZIM, AHEM). But that's what I liked most. I hate the fact that a lot of animators rely on violence to get the crowd excited and have them watch. I'm so sick of that.

5. Kimbles is my favorite character. That little faggot's full of surprises.

Cons - dude... nothing's perfect, neither am I nor you.

1. No character history. Dude, you just randomly threw 3 characters in a flash and had them animated. You didn't explain why THOSE THREE were in there. Petey. Zim, I MEAN, Marco XD, as well as Kimbles. Why the hell were THEY working together and how did they get together? And I'm finding quite a bit of plot holes in there.

2. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I WANT TO SEE PART 3 THIS YEAR AND NO WAIT ANOTHER DAMN YEAR FOR PART 3 TO COME OUT. I know it's hard to animate, but come on, there are literally hundreds of thousands (possibly millions of people) waiting for that animation to come out. If you drive us crazy, we will go in a frenzy. Never underestimate the power of fans in a frenzy XD.

3. The sound quality wasn't as good as I thought, but then again, you already admitted yourself that the sound quality wasn't too top notch.

4. You used the same freakin' intro again... this time with a spider. Dude, a joke's not funny if you make it the 2nd time.

5. Dude... you're REALLY fond of Nickelodean, aren't you? Riley sort of reminds me Timmy Turner's teacher Mr. Denzel Crocker from Fairly Odd Parents. Lol, don't rip characters off that network, or at least, don't let people think you're ripping them off.

squeakytoad responds:

Well, you never know. I don't want to say anything or make any promises about the future parts.
Animating is tough. Especially when there's a lot of demand, your personal life is overwhelming at the moment, and you have other ideas you want to create as well.

The intro thing is part of this saga. All of them have a similar intro but in a different situation. It sets up the mood and the general idea.

As you said, the lack of violence, I and many of my fans see as a positive thing.

Yep, I like Blockhead. And yes, I said in my author's comments and in the credits, Michael Swain did voice his own appearance.

Alas, I admit my work isn't perfect. What I can improve I try to improve in the future (once an episodes made, it's done- I can't fix it- I can only hope for better in the future). And what I can't improve, I make sure I make fun of.
Animators should learn to laugh at themselves and their mistakes. Some guys get to bitter when someone points out the similarity between their characters and characters from shows they've never seen (I have to admit, myself, I was awful irritated when I found out there was a bit of resemblance between Kimbles and that character from Invader Zim). Some animators get upset when people mock the quality of their animation, their ideas, or their humor.
Why not laugh with those people? People will get bored laughing.
Bitter reviewers will also feel pretty stupid writing massive flaming comments about something that's already been addressed, admitted, and even joked about.

Thanks for the review, man. Keep watching.

You never told me there was an easter egg!!!

LOL, so that stab DIDN'T kill that green goggle guy. No wonder I didn't see any blood.
LMAO at you should've used the pythagorean theorem, BITCH. XD

And "Argh, this beer tastes like warm piss, I should know, because I've drank my own piss before." Damn, priceless! Where the hell do you come up with these things, geez?

Meh, it's too... "family guy". You can use some other ancedotes. I want to see Private Skittles a bit more. He's awesome! Other than that, nothing to complain about. =D

Decent, above average, but spectacular - get ready

This is a movie that I really want to make a LONG discussion with you:

1. The animation - First of all, let me congratulate on your outstanding piece of work. The movement was flawless and the music track was excellent. Perfect timing, too. The graphics were not so good, but I wasn't expecting anything too perfect. However, I had been expecting some shading and perhaps a bit smoother outlines. No offense, but the pictures look like a kindergarden drawing. Yet, the movement and the animation, it was all so smooth that I couldn't even stop to criticize the frame by frame.

2. Story : Now this was the part that made me disappointed. I didn't expect a conversation, since this was more around the lines of a fighting music video, but I had been expecting a CAUSE to fight. You could've made a "star wars" intro background story or something. You needed to explain why they wanted to fight. I don't know, maybe a spaceship the jedi is from (where the Jedi was sent on a mission to explore some territory) crashed and fell into the ninja territory. The ninja was threatened and took action. Without a cause... I don't know, it's just... stupid. Sorry.

3. Action - Okay, this is the main point. It's FLAWLESS. PERFECT. The way you portrayed the moves, the attacks... I mean, the ninja's hiding skills and the ninja's master trapping skills, vs the Jedi's dexterity and pinpointing, as well as the rapid speed and evasion skills of the ninja. But what made me a bit pissed was... the jedi never managed to damage the ninja until the end. The ninja managed to slice the jedi's right arm AND kick the jaws of the jedi after the jedi's blade got shurikened away. To make it a bit more even, you could've had the Jedi's blade cut a BIT of the ninja. For the ninja... eh... watch Naruto or something. I could tell you had a bit of an idea from the summoning technique, but what happened to element? I liked the clash of the two beams in the end (Chakra vs the Force) - that was really imaginative.

4. The ending: Okay... I REALLY want to comment on this: First, the ending was what I predicted, but was a bit stupid. You made them kill each other, but...the jedi's death was definite. His head was hacked off. The ninja's death is debatable. The blade COULD have missed a vital point, but barely and the ninja might still be alive. Also... you made the hand move AFTER the the head was hacked off. I would've rather you made the hand move RIGHT BEFORE the head was hacked off and both of them died at the same time. I think you'd have been better off with a "CHOOSE YOUR ENDING" kind of thing. Lol.

5. Music - I loved the music. LOVED it. The music beat and paced very well, excellent timing, and always increased the suspense. It was "one with the animation". No qualms about it... except the beginning "BAM SUCKA" thing always annoyed the hell out of me. LOL. Sorry =P.

Overall, an amazing piece, and I'll be looking forward for other stuff. Hope you didn't mind my long review.

So... what next? Dragon vs Phoenix (that's ALWAYS been a hot topic), I've got "magic" vs "technology" on my mind and I've never been able to get rid of it. You see... there would be a world of magic (ancient magic, like summons, elementals, healing) and a world of tech (tanks, nukes, machinery). Have them wage a giant war against each other and see who'd win. I can see wizards riding on dragons with sceptres and wands fighting jet planes and missile turrets. So much you can do, and it's always how far your imagination takes you.

I hope for the best.


Put a damn preloader. Lol.

Damn that scared me half to death. I was waiting for it to load, meanwhile check out some other submissions, and suddenly earshattering music banged out of the computer and made me fall off the chair in shock.

The graphics are fine, anime styled and above average, but definitely not the best. The motion wasn't too fluent and it was a bit tweaky. It looks absolutely 2d. Some shading should do the trick.

About the anime series, care to explain a bit about that? I have to say that the opening intro aroused my interest.

~I gave it an 8/10, and 4 stars. Hope it's saved. (I took off most of the points because there was no freaking preloader.)

merit44 responds:

Sorry about the loud sound, I know this will not justify it, but I wanted to make sure you were awake when you started to view the submission. Adrenaline is a good thing! Anyway, I will work on the motion in the future for that is my own personal grip as well. The series itself in general is about a young girl who has to pay for her father's mistakes and try to earn her life back. This is very loose, but I don't want to truely give the story away for it will be better explained in the anime short that is in the works.

Let's get started

Let's give you guys a few comments before I hit the pros and cons, shall we? You were the last two people I expected to work together. What gave you the idea of team up? I mean, you guys are both one of my favorite authors - Swain for Blockhead, and Toonimated for Crows' life, Mario Reloaded, etc. You guys both rock in humor, but your style is a bit different. I never knew you guys would know each other, let alone work together. It's a strange world out there... o_o.

A. Graphics - They were above average, but not genuinely excellent. I've seen worse, but I've also seen better. Mark, I was quite impressed, though. Your graphics have improved immensely since your first Blockhead, and speaking of Blockhead, HURRY UP WITH THE 9TH ONE, IT'S BEEN AGES!!! :P

B. Sound - There was no voice acting, or if there were (maybe in the pirate scene), it wasn't very clear. The music, in my opinion was horrible. Oh God, it was torture. I couldn't stand it. I'm sorry.

C. Plot - Okay, I think this is what made me give it a relatively high score. It was well-developed and imaginative, but it was already used in your Time Squad. As for Toonimated - did you get the idea from Swain or did you come up with it? Actually... to rephrase the question, what gave you guys the idea to come up with the plot? Please don't tell me you got it from the Time Squad series...

d. Violence - Hmm... Mr. Swain... I seem to remember SOMEONE saying when SOMEONE created blockhead that the certain SOMEONE wanted to create animations that were free of violence. Hmm... HMM...? It was bloody, but a bit excessively so. Let me give you some good advice. Some amount of blood is bound to appease the audience. Too much would just make us want to gag. It's too exaggerated and too unrealistic.

E. Interactivity - Oh, it was definitely suspenseful. I congratulate you on that. It kept me on my toes for quite a long time, and there was not one scene where I didn't like. Nice job.

F. Character - Pico kicks ass, but he is not God. You made him seem like one. Most people agree with me that they dislike overly dominant protagonists. You made him kill a big-ass demon, you made him kill a city full of werewolves, and you made him destroy an entire pirate crew, etc. Wow. He didn't even get scratched. That was the one element other than sound that I utterly hated.
Other than that though, you could've added other pico characters. So far, I've seen two. Pico, and his girl. What happened to the other characters? I was hoping you'd portray them, too.

G. Extra Stuff - You added in little spices to the scenes. I liked that. Blockhead never seems to die, and I don't think he died when he got blown up along with the rest of the pirate crew.


1. Please, PLEASE add a scene selector. PLEASE. It's easy. Add a "Pico meets time tank", "Pico meets demons", "Pico's Matrix Scene", "Pico vs Pirates", etc.

2. Who made which scene? I know that Mark made the Pirate Scene (It was obvious since Blockhead appeared). I don't know about the rest. Or did you guys pitch in a bit in every scene?

3. How did you come up with the plot? Where do you get these ideas?

4. Any hopes of Blockhead getting killed? (No... I guess not =P, Actually, don't you dare. He is the one character I don't want to die)

5. Why did you make Blockhead appear, but didn't make his conscience appear?

6. Are you making other Pico Day themed flash submissions?

7. Mark, can you PLZ make another Blockhead movie. I loved Time Squad...

8. I hope you guys forgive me for these off-topic questions.

Anyway, thanks for those enjoyable few minutes of my time. I guess they weren't utterly a waste after all.


An indepth review and a few suggestions/questions

**English is not my native language. Please forgive any incorrect usages of grammar.**

I was pissed at first that you have procrastinated for over a year, making me wait day after day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second... for this masterpiece to come out. I even almost gave up hope and searched google for your obituary to see if you died. Fortunately you didn't, and you once again outdid yourself in your outstanding Bunnykill.

I don't know why, but I'm going to use up all the characters in this review. Maybe because I like your stuff. Now let's hit the Pros and Cons.


1. Needless to say, your style was what sucked in the majority of your fans. Believe me, at first in Bunnykill Volume 1, I thought you just made a bunny-version of Krinkels' Madness series. Now I know better. The style was unique and definitely not ripped off, because you added allies to the protagonists instead of just making the main character kill everyone by himself. Most of all, I liked how you made the soldiers fight back instead of just lining up to die.

2. The next best thing was your interactivity. There was not a second where I did not hold my breath in suspense, waiting to see what happened. You kept me on my toes the whole time, and when the Robot appeared, I practically laughed and screamed at the whole time. I screamed because it looked scary. I laughed because it reminded me of the protaganist of Madness in Krinkel's 6th series. They looked pretty similar... Hmm... I wonder... o_O ?

3. Plot - Yes. You had a plot, simple as it is, but you had a plot. That's one thing of your series that's a bit better than Madness, because you gave a rational summary of what's happening. Madness probably has a plot, but it's more like "use your imagination" kind of thing. It's more of a random killing.

4. You ripped off scenes from several movies, but it's a good adaptation. I understand.

Cons (or what I don't like) - Now, everyone has flaws and you're no exception. But don't let it destroy your self-esteem. I'm merely pointing out what I think you could improve on. It's a bit debatable, I can say. So don't curse at me if you don't like it. You can PM me to discuss it if you want. Don't worry. I still worship you as GOD.

1. Humor - Haha... not very funny. Your style of humor is a bit outdated. Sorry. Other people have used it already.

2. Stop killing Dust in a stupid way. Stop it. Just stop it. It's annoying. You better let him kick major ass in the next volume or you're going to lose a fan.

3. You're using old main characters - Dust, Smoke, and our favorite guy Snowball. Care to add in a new character? Like say, in Volume

4. (You said you're making it a ninja theme), Make the new character mysterious, but powerful. That always arouses the viewer's interest - a new, mysterious character. A character has the most powerful impact on the viewer when the viewer knows nothing about the new character. That would give them the impression that the new character is powerful - make a few careful scenes making him kill off powerful enemies with only little force. Say, the new guy's a legendary ninja. He's a threat so powerful that it forces Snowball, Dust, and Smoke to team up. He kills innocent people, destroys cities, and most of all, kills off Snowball's boss, who gives Snowball a large dough of cash every day. That would tick him off and make Snowball go off and find him. I mean... Snowball's determination derives mainly from his paycheck, right?

5. The violence is a tad big excessive. I would rather you control the level of blood a bit. Some blood is good, yes, but overdoing it gags the viewer. Well, I guess it's not as bloody as Madness.

6. Now... the one thing that makes this a bit worse than Madness, is probably the overly dominant protagonist. In madness, Krinkels kills off the main character once to show us that he's mortal and can easily be killed. You never killed him, and only let him get hurt once.

That's all, I guess. I hope you'll honor my review with a reply.

Edwin ^_-

A constructive review. You better read it! ^_^


You did an amazing job with this piece, taking your first Animator vs Animation beyond mortal imagination. I first thought that the first animation was worth praise of god. Now I know that it's beyond Godly. It's something that words can't describe, but I'll do my best to put it in words. Let's hit he pros first.

A. The graphics were incredible- I can't believe that you were able to mingle the computer screen with the animation, and that you were able to bring the programs to life. I mean, you wee excellent with the camera view when you moved it from Macromedia flash to the Windows Desktop. I mean, to be able to make the animation move so smoothly is just... wow.

B. The style was unique. And flawless. I wonder if you will take it beyond flawless in AvsA III? (Please consider doing a 3rd, for the sake of your few - erhm... million fans). I was awed by the way how you brought the animations of your computer to fight with "The Chosen One" and absolutely astounded by how you made it symbolic of real life. Like, how AIM really DOES kicks ass, and how mozilla firefox looks flashy, but in reality sucks. (It DOES freeze quite a lot, but is that why you made the stick figure freeze it?). And oh come on! The way that you typed to the Programmer, it brought the humor up. It was hilarious.

C. Effort - I'd give you a 12/10 for effort. I swear, I understand how painstaking these things are. They literally take blood and sweat. (blood, because if you made a really cool scene, but doesn't fit in, you smash your first at the wall in rage until it's bloody, and sweat because of your concentration). I will murder anyone who votes it down.

II. Cons and Suggestions

Now... I'd like you to know that I already idolize you as a figure beyond God, but even a person like you has flaws. I'm trying to make you better, and not trying to flatter you, but if you don't agree with some of them, feel free to trash them. or you can PM me and dicuss them. On with the cons, then.

A. Music - you know, a lot of great animation use music soundtracks (Ie. Pop, rap, jazz... etc to spice up the suspense). I mean, you did it well with the sound effects, like when AIM used Windows Media Player and shot out music notes, it was pretty nice. Yet, I heard no background music. Music actually makes it much more Dramatic. That's what you lack. It's not dramatic enough. For example, if you ever watched Castle III Part D (or all 4 of them) and Xin (18's the best especially after Ghai comes in and kicks Dimir). If you make something light seem serious, it'll jack up the humor a lot.

B. You can take AvsA beyond Windows, like say... to real life. Ever seen Animation Invasion? Watch it on newgrounds. I mean, you can take it windows, then what's NOT possible? You can, say, accidently discover, while reading online, hierographs in ancient Egypt. You go through painstaking effort, you translate it, and then you find a warning of "DOOM". In the Depths of Flash Animation, lies a dormant power that is fearful when awakened. There is a stick figure with powers beyond mortal imagination, so powerful that it took so many elite flash makers to seal him with their "flash powers". You become curious, and then find in a secret depths of Flash 8, a small place where there is a space for "password". You type in the password to unlock it out of curiousity. The animation is released. BOOM. Thereby, you can use your imagination.

C. You can use more programs. Like say, when the stick figure attacks, Zone Alarm, Norton Internet Security, and Avast attack all together. The one that's knocked out first is the worst, and the one that lasts longest is the best. You could've used the animations from solitaire or other games. If you ever played starcraft, you can bring out the units from there and attack the stick figure. It would be awesome if you did that. Or warcraft actually. And hey, I know that AIM kicks ass, but what about MSN messenger? Or yahoo messenger? Or whatnot?

Anyway, I'm almost out of words. I just want to congratulate you. Hoping for a 3rd!

All right, I've got lots to say.

Firstly, shake101 go kill yourself. Twice. Think of the most excruciating and bloodiest death possible and do it. You son of a bitch.

As for you El-Cid - Prepare yourself for an intense review. First off, I'd like to congratulate you on your amazing piece of work. The graphics were as good as they can get, and I can tell that you worked your ass off on this. Your action kept me on the edges of my seat and I seriously love your style. However, there are several things that I really want to comment on.

There are many debatable factors that you included in your flash movie. I'll discuss them one by one below.

Blood - It's probably one of the most debatable issue in your flash movie. As megaman is supposed to be a series suitable for people of all ages, including blood actually doesn't quite seem megaman's style. It actually ruined our impression of megaman, kind of like the game "Sonic the Pervert". Sonic - a perverted freak?! Wtf? On the other hand however, blood intensified the suspense and action, which actually satisfied our lust for violence. Considering that Megaman is part human part robot, blood is actually valid - it does make a bit of a sense. However, in my opinion, I really think that blood should be removed. I just don't think blood "fits in" that well. Yet, feel free to trash my opinion. It's a free nation, I suppose.

Story - Look, I know that you worked blood and sweat on this piece of flash, and probably took you ages, but you lack a major plot, which is actually quite a drawback. I understand that you are probably intending to just do a flash scene, but... there was no background story. I mean, why did they fight? What was the conflict? What was megaman doing prior to the fight scene? Why QUICKMAN and no... I dunno Iceman or Zero? You could've added a small text in the front, or even better, a short 5 min. scene about megaman breaking into Dr. Wiley's laboratory to stop him and his evil scheme.

No Dialogue - Dialogue between two people make it seem a lot more serious. Take a look at Zelda - Hope's End. It could also bring out a small story of why they are conflicting. They can start out polite and then get fierce, and then a fight breaks loose, each of them clashing in rage. But then again, I don't know, maybe you think that having them talk would ruin the effect? I'm not sure, again, feel free to ignore my views.

Music - Okay, I am so sick of hearing gameboy video game music with horrible quality. Not to be rude, but if you want music, please try to use... higher quality ones. This hurt my ears a bit. Flight of the Bumblebee was pretty cool, and the Time's running out background music was cool. But Megaman's theme song irked me. I'm sorry.

Character style - Quickman looked like quickman, but for some reason, megaman did not look much like megaman. He looked... short and fat. I mean, he's blue and he's got armor and weapons like megaman, but that's probably the only thing I can tell of him. You could've enhanced a bit more on the eyes. You also need to give him a unique characteristic. You need to give him an essence of character, in other words, a distinct personality. Quickman's arrogant and underestimates enemies like most strong bad guys. But Megaman, what about him? All I know about him is that he's brave and unwilling to give up. I didn't see much of his other personalities from his series.

Character Dominancy - Good. Excellent. The best thing I liked about your flash was that the good guy - in this case Megaman, isn't overly dominant. I hate movies where the protaganist kicks ass with fluent ease. You did what most people didn't - you let the bad guy kick ass and also let the good guy lose until the last second. I almost thought that Megaman was going to die until he hit the time freeze ability. AMAZING.

Anyway, good job. Feel free to disagree with me. If you want, you can PM me, and we can discuss some points. Just don't cuss at me. I hate people who cuss.

Edwin ^^

I've got a lot to state...

First, I'd like to say that I've watched Castle III Part A through D already, and I'm making an overall review on the entire series. This is by far the most outstanding stick-figure flash piece I've ever seen, graphic-wise or storyline. I've never made a flash in my life, so maybe you may disagree with me on some minor points.

Graphics: 9/10

Setting Graphics - AMAZING. I can't imagine how long it took you to draw the wastelands, castles, city, helicopter inside, etc. When I saw the architecture on the castle that you made, I was awed. When comparing this to Castle I and Castle II, it was like comparing gold to shit. (No offense).

Characters - This is the part when I think you may disagree with me most. I understand that in the beginning of the "Castle" series, you used stick figures to start off as a novice. It may be that you also decide to use stick figures as a trademark style for your series that you decided not to change it. Yet, I seriously feel that you are not doing such a great masterpiece justice. If I were you, I'd make the characters a bit more... anime. Or you could look up Logfish's animations. Yet, you did make the eyes full of expression. You did that right at least.

Storyline: 10

Plot: Flawless. I love how you made this so... suspenseful and unpredictable, yet with foreshadows and hints. The escape was highly remniscent of Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring. I also love how you actually let the soldiers fight well. In most flash movies, like madness or Bunnykill, the army or horde is just slaughtered meat. It annoys me.

Suspense - Not one second where you made me bored. Especially part B when no action came yet. It just made me crave for something, with so much tension, yet nothing happening yet.

Character - Vague. Extremely ambiguous. You didn't really give the character a "DISTINCT" personality. But I also liked the fact that the protagonists aren't overly dominant.

Sound - 8
Music - Pretty good, but some sound track sounds a bit scratchy or not in line with the action. But overall, amazingly effective.

Voice acting - Eh... not bad, but could've been better. The best voice-actors I know are involved in the "Xin" Flash series. Omahdon is the best male voice actor I know so far, and Sakura is the best female voice actor. You can look them up if you want.

Humor - 0 ... No need for explanations?

Overall, a fantastic piece. I look forward to Castle IV.

I have a few statements to ask.

1. Etrius I believe cannot be dead. A story that kills off the main character before the main story begins can't result well. You gave him special powers, I think you mean for him to use it.

2. Is Dr. Romanov in league with the "evil" general?

3. You ARE going to make a Castle IV, right?

4. How the heck do you think of these amazing stories?

Get-lost responds:

Thanks alot for this review, it's great :)

1. I can't say this. We don't know yet.

2. Same. We'll wait and find out.

3. Yes - I'd be ashamed of myself leaving a story hanging like part D ends.

4. My friend and I have had many interesting discussions regarding the story. We come up with new ideas constantly. It's great to have two brains creating the Castle series.

All right... I have much to say

First, before I state anything. I would like to make 2 things clear. I neither like or dislike illwillpress, nor do I claim to make any rude gestures or extravagant praises towards your work, but I do wish to express my thoughts as you did clearly in this flash. I respect your freedom to submit what you will, but I hope you have dignity to respect what I have to say.

1. I do believe that from the first moment you made the flash, you did not actually think that illwillpress (or Johnathon Mathers) is dead. In fact, you know that he is not dead, but you deliberately made this flash anyway. Why? Because I don't find eulogies to be a thing of humor, especially if you made this so somber like this. If you clearly and firmly stated that it's... I dunno a "joke" at the end at the last second, it would've skyrocketed the scores immediately.

2. I think you should've made this Farewell "Johnathon whatever his name is".

3. To make things more convincing, you should've added the state of death, the exact time, minute, and seconds (well... not THAT exact), and you should've added proof.

4. Instead of just floating pictures, I think you can add a few animations to it.

5. I neither find this to be abusive nor appraising. I find it so hilarious that I nearly laughed my head off, because the rumour was stomped out ages ago, and people still fall for it. I'm not laughing because of how stupid this flash is, but the viewers' gullibility. This is a stroke of genius, actually, but also pretty pathetic.

6. I neither enjoyed or disliked this film, but if you want to make something, I would appreciate honesty, even if it's a last-second statement. I understand that America's a free country, and so are most countries, with the exception of Communist Russia or something, but if we all go around blabbering lies the world would be in more chaos than now. I don't think we need that do we?

Thank you for your time in making this flash. I hope to see more of your work. As I reviewed politely, if you make a response, I also hope that you answer politely in the same way. Or you could throw insults and profane language at me, but as you are not illwillpress and you dislike him, are you going to sink so low as him?

Again, I neither like or dislike illwillpress. I am merely expressing an opinion. Don't shoot me.

tcygvbjh responds:

a three headed rolf

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