a really... DISTORTED version of War of the Worlds
that was retardedly funny, keep up the good work! 4/5
a really... DISTORTED version of War of the Worlds
that was retardedly funny, keep up the good work! 4/5
thanks man
that was pretty hilarious... though nothing too new nor interesting... and I best hope this isn't ripped off a movie
nah, all us just screwin around
try something else...
this is actually a bit boring...
this should NOT be turd of the week
though next time... improve the sounds, and make the frames better. don't feel bad, some successful flash artists start out with turd of the week, but don't let it get to you. Improve your art skills, and develop a story, because this lacks story. However, keep improving, and good luck with the future productions
just so you people who beg for ep 15/16, it's out
just go to their site and you can check out ep. 15 and 16. Btw... KEEP GOING WITH XIN! YEAH YOU GUYS ROCK!
I've already rated the 1st part in-depth
I'll say what's different about this one:
the music's improved and it's under a happier circumstance. I'm also impressed to say that the graphics have improved dramatically. Holy shit! CHINESE! DORA-AMEN!!! I KNOW ALL THESE STUFF!!!
only comment
add music. The visual is quite distinguished and so was the plot. You need to add musics and effects to build up suspense. Other than that, it's cool. 9
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Joined on 5/7/05